RTF pylon Amigo | HiFly | Mosquito | DANDY

RTF motor pylon for
Graupner Amigo II, III, IV, V | Hi-Fly | Mosquito | DANDY
This is a complete RTF pylon, fitted with motor, spinner and propeller, including ESC controller and wiring.

The root rib can be solid (without holes) or with holes according to the original plan depending on the specific model. Specify in the order or in the mail.

Colour options:
Same as empty pylon or colour on request.
Specify in the order or by email.

Technical specifications:
Motor 2836-1120 KV
Regulator 30 A, BEC 5 V, 2 A
7 × 4" (18 × 10 cm) propeller
MR30 motor connector

98,60 €

Pylon is made by 3D printing method from PLA+ material (now also PLA HT110).
Although it is mechanically and heat resistant enough for this purpose, it is not indestructible. I do not recommend exposing it to temperatures above 60 °C for a long period of time or to high mechanical stresses such as falling to the ground. In flight, the pylon is safely cooled by the propeller and airflow, but on the ground I do not recommend leaving it in direct sunlight for extended periods of time, especially during the summer months when temperatures in direct sunlight can exceed 50 °C. The motor holder is ABS+ material and can withstand temperatures of 100°C.

NEW root rib can be made for any other model of similar size. Just send vector or raster data of the root rib.

Code Code: 45/RTF 45/RTF2 Choose variant
Category: ModelCraft

AMIGO II with Pylon

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